Two years ago I welcomed two angels into my life. Our twins have been an incredible joy to raise and be a part of their lives. We are blessed to have them, and hope that we can continue to enhance their lives as they and we prepare for the next journey in our lives. Later this month we will learn if adoption is an option for us. Whatever the future holds we will continue to support them and grow them to their fullest potential.

This year, I was given the capacity to really dig into my souls journey, review my goals in life, and really breathe life into the manifestations of the future for myself and my family. As I consider where I want to be next year, its clear to me that a significant hole in my life is the absence of my healing practice. I have spent a great deal of time focused on what it looks like to be a healer and what my healers journey is and its abundantly clear that I need to be walking my path again.

So here’s what to expect in 2023:

  • Re-opening my massage practice
    • New Thai Massage offering 60 minute, 90 minute sessions
  • Offering 1-on-1 and group Reiki Healing Training
    • Level 1: focus on physical healing and self-healing
    • Level 2: focus on mental, emotional, karmic, and distant healing
    • Master Teacher/Practitioner: advanced reiki techniques with a commitment to teaching reiki.
  • A new healing modality – Crystal Rose Ray Healing
    • An energy healing practice derived from Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools.
  • A new podcast focused on exploring the Divine Masculine in the Queer community and healing the wounds of our history and existence in a hetero-centric toxic masculine society.

I am grateful to all of my amazing clients who have stuck with me through the transitions pre, during, and post pandemic life. I am constantly humbled by the frequent messages I continue to receive from all of you wishing me health and happiness and asking when I will return to my practice.

Keep an eye on this space as I solidify details. I am still looking for studio space, establishing a consistent schedule and technologies as well as adhering to new and current state regulations and requirements for the Massage Industry.

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